Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beautiful Barcelona!~ By Danette

Amy and I arrived safe and soundly in Barcelona. Unbelievable tired of course but with huge smiles on our face.  We ended up wandering the streets at 1 in the morning lost. Took us about an hour but we finally found our hostel. It was so nice to sleep after what seemed like forever. 

Today I realized that 30 pounds is SO HEAVY!!! I mean, there is literally no way in the world I can carrying that around with me for two months!  I just laugh. Of course everything that I brought I am really attached to. But,  those extra clothes and scarf I threw in my bag at the last minute. They have to go. Same with the book I brought, my long sleeve running jacket, and extra socks. I will wear dirty socks if I have to. But my bag has to be lighter! My pack appeared to fit before I left, but now that I have walked around with it for a day, I think I am a little too skinny for it. :( 

Also, saying "can I squeeze by you?" means nothing when you are wearing a huge pack. There will be no squeezing happening. Period.

Other than the shock of the whole backpack situation, things are amazing. A swim in the Mediterranean, Mojito on the beach and  a little bit of sun shine. :)

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